Well that went fast! XD Was the main part of this maybe already written? Tagged twice in the first post since I subscribed... and it seems like I got myself a small space in history here too! :) Nice. Thanks. And Congrats! Again.
The new site mockup looks pretty good, and yes just the favicon does reveal the Wix. ;) Curious how the source code turns out with a site builder like that - back in the day it was pretty messy and slow, though I assume they've evolved a lot since then. Shall be interesting to see!
Good news overall, inspiring to hear bow big the comic game is in Japan (looks like 1988 was the year that market really started growing!), and regarding the AP's 15th anniversary: is it too late to join at this point? Pico Day seems to be closing in fast...
im glad you've been alright and also the japanese comic (or manga) scene is very great, i read some online sometimes
Mmhm; I only occasionally keep track of it. Our affiliates at the doujin circle Stellatram are a good one to listen to, and they've been at it for far longer than we have.