The description helped me a lot. I find that how you feel about Malaysian human rights commissions is how I feel about the American human rights ideals; they have hypocritical undertones every time they are passed; coddled, and set in place to appease those that hate Free Speech. Makes me sick; because while they claim to appreciate your right to living peaceably; those against anyone prospering besides the self-made billionaires (Who we later come to find are only billionaire's in name only; or if they are willing to sell a botched investment; like BitCoin to the masses. Electronic revenues that I am sure help to aid the Sex Trade.)
Can you simplify the Malaysian human rights commission? Wikipedia didn’t help.
Troisnyx (Updated )
The Malaysian human rights commission, SUHAKAM, came into being after this whole Anwar Ibrahim fiasco that I wrote about above. Under the previous government, the Barisan Nasional government, "human rights" were seen as foreign, intrusive, and Western influence, and so SUHAKAM basically had its wings clipped. The one thing they could do is teach people about human rights, in little bits at a time, mainly by telling people about the rights of people in other countries that Malaysia didn't have.
They'd released statements about the use of emergency-era laws against opposition politicians, e.g. the Sedition Act, which is the extreme opposite of freedom of speech. The slightest critique of someone in power could land someone with jail and torture. They'd also run small seminars on various other kinds of laws that prevented people from talking about corruption, rights and freedoms on pain of detention without trial, and torture without trial. The main fear of the people is that people were scared to speak out about their frustrations because they could be taken away without any warning. The local police force had a far bigger body tackling "cybercrime" (read: dissent) than they did for actual crime.
Thing is, SUHAKAM was only nominally mentioned by the ruling government of the time as a means of saying "look, we care about people" when in practice, they were only paying lip service to human rights. It was just a trophy piece, or a thorn in the government's side. Basically, the government had become a narcissistic parent to SUHAKAM. I don't know if anything about it would change.
Anyway, I hope this description helps.