Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

Exp Points:
6,747 / 6,940
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B/P Bonus:
10y 10m 29d

A quick one before the hammer is dropped

Posted by Troisnyx - November 11th, 2011

Hey guys. TroisNyxEtienne [say trwa-nix-eh-tien] here. Alternatively, you may call me TNE.

After having submitted my track for the Newgrounds CD project and after having contributed a T-shirt design, I do realise that it's awfully late, and we have about 1 hour and 15 minutes before the results are announced.

I place it all in the good Lord's hands right now - whatever the outcome was, whether or not the track got in, I resign myself. I'm aware that by the time the results are announced, I'll be fast asleep, and I'll be checking those results at 9:00-ish across the pond (which is 4-something in the morning for you guys). I can say this for sure - making the track was fun, and not solely fun: it was something I looked forward to, and doing this with the help and support of my friends from the university, from the chaplaincy and from Kingdom of Herts has been wonderful. That song stretched me to the limit, at least at the time I wrote it.

I remember how, when in the midst of completing the music on FL Studio 10, my PC had this awful overheating problem (dusty hardware -___-), and I had to rely on my friend's PC instead... I was glad when I got mine back, though it took me a week and some £45 to get it sorted! Then came the point where we had to find a place to record the voices. We started in one of the group study rooms in the library. Then when we realised how bothersome it was to us and to others, we proceeded to Merlyne's room, where I did the rest of the vocals for the song.

Now, I listen to it and I feel it's a mixed bag. But I guess people who are either self-critical, or want to constantly improve themselves, may feel the same way. May. I'm not saying they will. There's always the possibility is all. I can't say I'm self-critical, but in hindsight, whatever I do now seems to be better than whatever I first did. Although this isn't always the case.

My song is the song of Kingdom of Herts. Our song is called Juventud.

It's almost time for me to lay me down to sleep. If anyone should come across that track at all (in any manner possible), please, do be so kind to let me know.

I bid all of you cheerio and goodnight.
May the best men in the NG CD project win!

UPDATE 12.11.2011 1:36 GMT : I did not get into the final Newgrounds CD project, but I'm glad I at least tried. I'm glad Christo, Mark and I at least tried.


NOOOOOO! The hammer has dropped on me!

The hammer wouldn't be dropping on us till... 4:00 GMT (23:00 EST), right? o.O

why resign?

Resignation is the kind of feeling you get when you're trying to say something along those lines - "I don't know what the results are gonna be, I have a chance of getting in, and a chance of not getting in. I leave it to You/to fate/to chance". So that was pretty much what I was saying back there, and it helped that I knew what possibilities there were. And in feeling silent and resigned, I would be ready to accept whichever one.