...after quite a bit of hesitation. My first chat with her was on Monday, and my, she is really nice! ^_^ We talked for hours, sharing audio, sharing thoughts, telling a bit more about ourselves. It's wonderful, speaking with her. I can't help but think once you take the first step and the other person responds, you see that the other person is just as much of a person, with perhaps as many follies and foibles as you. I can't explain it... but... one thing's for sure: speaking one-to-one takes me beyond the surface and leads me deep into the heart of the person. This experience has humbled me a great deal, and I'm absolutely thankful for that.
In case you aren't sure who HFX is, she is the soundtrack writer for all Epic Battle Fantasy games starting from EBF2. I have indeed heard that EBF4 is under way, as well as a little something about her most recent track, Fallen Blood.
I'm just going to hint at a few things being done together, but what they will be, I shan't be telling yet! All I can say is this: "two game projects very dear to us will have just that little bit more input" (and I sound like Waka from Okami). Right now, even though my fingers and my mind are itching to spoil things, I shall not do anything more. Regardless, it's great to have a collaborator!
Today, I shall be working on a bit more boss artwork for Project Chaplaincy, and if I do have the time, I may perhaps try to handle the rest of the player chibis. Mark is already beginning bullet patterns for the different enemies we've got, and Christo is taking care of the script. I guess the best course of action, for now, is to release that bullet hell shooter and see where it takes us!
Also, for your enjoyment, here's a Muro-drawn Kirby picture.
and i have spoken with the pope.
we where talking about his weather channel.
Bahahahaha, good one. The Holy Father would be delighted to hear one from you, though!