Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

Exp Points:
6,747 / 6,940
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.68 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Captain
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
10y 10m 29d

Happy news and sad news.

Posted by Troisnyx - June 21st, 2012

I'll start with the sad news first. Well, only that a lot of people here already know the sad news. Eiomaru's project did not get through.

I only have this to say: what sets apart one project from another? If I had a project in development and I only had the main plot, and I had to describe it in a minimalistic manner so as to avoid spoilers, people would still be fighting over whether to fund the project or not. The example I provided was a case in point for him. Eiomaru had a simple main plot. No one even knew what the subplots were, and rightly, they wouldn't know until the projected release of the film. The first trailer, being what it is -- the first trailer -- wouldn't reveal the more minute details.

Funding artists, small-scale or otherwise, is about risk. If you've taken part in soundtrack-writing for games or films, you know what I'm talking about. We can have details revealed to us, but we won't know what they'd be like until we see the final result. While some people might be short-changed, others might be very satisfied. The bigger the game company, the more low-profile they are going to be, for if not, everyone would jump at the minutest detail of the game or film in question. That is the case, of course, unless you're working in their quarters, and have access to all the plot details.

So here we had a risk. We didn't even know what the full story would be like. All we saw were the first trailer and a brief synopsis of the main plot. And people were disputing over whether to fund it or not. That didn't help. I'm sure much of NG would be happy about the people who pledged something. If we don't know what the full story would be like, what attitude are we supposed to take? Optimism, that the film would be more of a blast than we can imagine? Pessimism?

I rest my case. And on that note, I did pray for Eiomaru and his project. It might not take off now, but I hope that it'll go to greater heights soon.


And now, for the happy news!

I have told some of you on the Audio Portal that I was going to go live at Knightsbridge -- it went well! ^_^ It was a rally concert demanding the freedom of Asia Bibi (and the rights of minorities). It didn't get as many people as we hoped, but I like to think that what we did that Thursday afternoon was just the beginning.

I interviewed one of the representatives to the event (he's from Aid to the Church in Need), and they picked up the interview video, and thanks to that, Kingdom of Herts is slowly getting across to others.

At the time of the concert, my bandmate, Christo Tracey (Merlyne) was away at Bury-St-Edmunds doing his motorbike test. I urged him to do well on that day. His results are even happier news: he passed!

If anyone would like to hear what I sang on that day... Draft III of the song in question, Indignation, is stream-only on Bandcamp. If you'd like it to be downloadable, please either comment or PM me.

Well, that's it for now! Back to composing, cleaning out my room, and all the other things I need to do for today.


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