Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

Exp Points:
6,747 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.68 votes
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10y 10m 30d

Writing competition! (and other stories)

Posted by Troisnyx - October 7th, 2014

@Krash17 has recently announced a new competition hosted by the Writers of Newgrounds. This competition is based on a prompt. All of you who are interested, kindly read either his post or my attempt at an abridged version of the rules below.

You must base your works on the universe provided in this prompt; entries not falling in this universe will not qualify. The whole point of this competition is that we are building a universe together. ^_^

You may write:

  • a short story with an upper limit of 3,000 words, or
  • a poem with an upper limit of 8 stanzas.

Your prompt is The Legend of the Moon Chants (and by extension, Tsukikanade). Now, since I am the author of both, I will not be taking part in this competition. I do, however, look forward to seeing what all of you can come up with. The Legend of the Moon Chants is the written work; Tsukikanade is the audio product, all meant to express the same thing, but I highly, highly recommend that you base it on The Legend of the Moon Chants, for the simple reason that much of the background story is there.

You have until 18 October to finish your piece and submit it.

There will be a $25 Amazon gift card for the best short story and the best poem.

If you'd like to submit your work, DO NOT SUBMIT IT TO ME. Instead, I recommend you post your work to the Dumping Grounds, and send a link to either Tremax or Krash17, the President or Vice-President of the WNG.

If you'd like to know more about the Writers of Newgrounds, or perhaps join us, you're most welcome to do so by following this link.

And if you're already a WNG member but need access to the guild Skype chats, kindly ask Tremax to add your name to the list.

All the best to you participants -- I look forward to reading what you will come up with.

In other news, things haven't been great. Seán's mother has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Two cancers, to be precise. We have been told that they are treatable with chemotherapy and operations. She will be commencing chemo on Friday. While this is certainly better than the alternative, we're all worried.

Prayers and good thoughts people wish to offer are very much appreciated. Seán and I offer our prayers in return.

For my part, I am in a musical dry spell (at the very least). All inspiration and musicality has left me ever since I got kicked out of the NGADM. Nothing is coming to me. I've tried to fill the void by drawing, but I don't know how long I can keep this up.

Seán has been ever so kind to me by ordering a canvas print of my most recent work, Sweet Regina!, to go on his wall. There have also been a few others who have comforted me and offered me pointers and encouragement of other kinds. Thank you.


I like when things are announced two months prior because then I might not totally miss it. :P

I'm not sure if I'm in a creative dry spell or not because I've been too exhausted every day to even bother trying to be creative. Exhausted for no reason. It's probably related to my depression and stuff. Doctor says I should take antidepressants, but I reaaaaaaly don't want to take antidepressants.

On the subject of totally missing my post, I posted this weeks back and it seems that you just chanced upon it. I feel the same is happening with everyone, and I wonder what has gone wrong.

As for taking antidepressants:

What are you afraid of? The stigma associated with taking them?

I was very much in the place you were in just months ago; I refused to take them for fear that people would see me as some sort of invalid. Thankfully here in Britain this stigma has largely diminished, but it's not completely gone... there are still going to be people who want to see my kind locked up in a mental asylum.

Depression, like any other mental illness, is due to chemical imbalance in the brain. I hold the view that if something is going to help me positively, and the greater end is going to be beneficial to me and to everyone around me -- if it's going to help me serve others at my best, I take it. If it's not going to kill me or anyone else, I take it. I'm on antidepressants now, and I'm trying to take them regularly.

If, of course, you have a heart condition or something else that is going to be adversely affected by the tablets, then tell the doctor. He's meant to be there to listen and help, not to be condescending and judgmental.

The problem is that I've only been checking my Newgrounds feed once a month. I guess the only things I check regularly are email and facebook.

I don't care what people might think about me. I've been the odd one all my life. People already know I'm crazy. :P

I'm just afraid of antidepressants. It's bad to forget a dose, and the effect it will have on you is unknown until you start taking it. For some people any particular antidepressant can have the opposite effect. I was even warned to be sure to contact somebody if the medication gave me suicidal thoughts. One of my neighbors (I didn't know her) had a really bad reaction to antidepressants and committed suicide.

I have a number of health problems, I'm a very sensitive person, so I'm naturally afraid to try things like antidepressants. Supposedly there are less risky alternatives, though. I do plan to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist again soon to re-evaluate my options. I'm not opposed to medication in general.

Also, the whole "Don't you dare miss a single dose!" thing scares me, especially since I'm the most forgetful person south of the arctic circle.