Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

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My art in its first public exhibition!

Posted by Troisnyx - December 12th, 2014

Today was the grand opening of the Harris Open -- a public exhbition of artwork from the people of Preston, Lancashire. Well... it's called the "Harris Open" because it takes place in the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, this magnificent neoclassical building in the centre of Preston.

I submitted two pieces to this exhibition, Journey at the Speed of Light and Idealised Self-Portrait. These art pieces, along with many others, will be on display until 10 January 2015.

If any of you live in Preston, Lancashire (or in the surrounding areas) or are able to go to Preston within this time period, do come and visit the Harris if you can! If you are checking out the Harris Open, or have already checked it out, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Before I end this post, I would like to share some pictures Seán and I took on the opening night.

By the way, my drawings are number 221 and 235 respectively.









It would had been really fun if visitors could come and speak to authors about their works. They would be able to learn so much more than by looking at a work and studying it on their own. Art is often more than just a pretty picture, it's a medium which contains sense, and every depictued object has a reason to be there. We can't speak to great artists of the past to understand their works, instead having to rely on opinion of some art experts. Here we don't have to.
I realize this as a proper event of culture, and you taking part in it must be an honor for sure.

I at least did get to speak about my works with a friend or two, and perhaps a number of people overheard me. ^_^ But true, the artist's intention ought to be made known, and the pictures must not solely be subject to the interpretation of the masses.

It was an honour, yes. I'm still excited from thinking about it.

Hey, congrats! Super exciting. I still remember my first exhibition, so I know how awesome it feels. Was there an opening night party/speech/etc. or anything? Just curious.

The photos were from the opening night, so there was one, yes. And a speech or two. I did get to speak to a friend about my two pieces, and I was so excited about it. ^_^

Congratulations, I hope that your work appear in more shows.

Thank you! ^_^

Congrats to you and your superb work!

Thank you lots <3

That's some really nice artwork! Did you get any in-depth reviews or opinion on your artwork from any judges or the general public?

I did get a thorough-ish review from one of my friends who visited, and I know my fiancé's opinion of the artwork already. As for the people in the opening proper, there may have been, but I didn't catch them. Seán and I are planning to go back to this exhibition when it's quieter, and who knows? -- we might get some more thoughts from people after.

Most people kept their thoughts to themselves. I guess it's sad in a way, but oh well.