Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

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Appeal, Easter Triduum practice and other stories

Posted by Troisnyx - March 30th, 2015

First of all, I want to thank you lot for your support with the last post I wrote on here. It's been a bit of a roller-coaster ride. My friends have been coming forward with witness statements about this, that and the other that the Home Office neglected to put into their detailed reasons of refusal. That, and I'm seeking legal representation for this appeal. Beyond that, I will do my absolute best to fight this cause.

Many people have said that I have a strong case, and that the Home Office was sloppy in disregarding chunks of evidence.

Let me say also for the record that in the detailed reasons of refusal of my asylum, the Home Office does not believe that Troisnyx (or TroisNyxEtienne) and Annette Singh are one and the same person. So, for the record, let me clear it up for those folks here on this very page: TROISNYX, TROISNYXETIENNE AND ANNETTE SINGH ARE THE SAME PERSON. FULL STOP. There. I already made my name public through the Art section of my page, but some people just aren't willing to do basic research to prove my identity. Sigh.

It is a trying time for me and Seán and all those around me. Please pray for us, or send us good thoughts. They will all be appreciated.

In other news, I did mention in Asandir's interview of me last year about the Easter Triduum. Just as I did last year, I'm practising with the choir at St Wilfrid's in Preston -- I am assuming the role of timpanist once again, among other roles (harp, soprano and descant vocals, general nuisance, chief tripper-upper, provider of chocolates...). These videos from today's practice are the first to go on my YouTube channel since.... New Year's Day 2014, it has seriously been that long. I am embedding this playlist for your general enjoyment. Hope you folks like it!

P.S.: To all the timpanists out there on NG, if anyone of you should make comments about my general demeanour while playing.... I only have this to say. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.



So is there an appeal process you can bring a lawyer/solicitor to? Or do you have to sue them outright? I hope you can find a guy (or gal) who knows the judge, who will likely be proceeding over the matter - that's important. Or if that fails, one who has a successful track record (more wins than losses).

There is an appeal process where you can bring a solicitor to. It's not really a trial, it's more of an inquest / tribunal, so there is no lawsuit as such. BUT: win this, and you can get the Home Office to reimburse your court fees etc (but not your solicitor's fees). We're still going to fight regardless.

I would rather have my appeal clean; having someone who knows the judge is only going to mean conflict of interest, which will work against anyone who uses that tactic. The other thing: we don't know who the judge will be. And that is only fair... I have always worked within the ambit of the law of England and Wales; I don't intend to flout it anytime soon.

I agree with you about the conflict of interest thing. I guess I've just gotten used to how shitty it is here, and how flagrant the problems are.

Remember that I have been a law student for the better part of six years, both during my time in Malaysia and in Britain. The last thing I ever want to do is flout the law... And, even if something were shitty to the point of being unredeemable, my going ahead with it will not excuse me or make me right in the minds of people observing.

At all times, I want to do what is right, in spite of what intense fears I have. I'm frightened, but what other choice do I have? Cower and be a plaything / punching-bag of my country of origin as I always have been?

Man, I don't know you well, just that you're an awesome hybrid electronic/real-world musician and you play one of my favorite instruments, bodhran. I think I've only spoken to you once on the forums, but I just want to say I wish you luck with all this. No one deserves to deal with bureaucrats for more than a phone-call at a time IMO. I hope you're able to live with some peace and simplicity soon. Hang in there!

I will do. To be honest, dealing with 'crats in my case has extended for a long time, from being singled out as a conscript for my ethnicity, to writing letters to Parliament, to dealing with the Home Office... It is frightening, and I hope this peace and simplicity comes soon.

Take care. Keep close to warm things in this chilling broken world.

I will do my best. Right now, I leave the lodging of this appeal into the hands of my solicitor, who believes in me still. Your prayers and thoughts are much appreciated. <3