Hey everyone. I'd like to talk to you all about a little indie game called Revita. And, specifically, about the soundtrack, done by one @DisOmikron (Christoph Jakob). You won't regret a moment of it.
Love what you see and hear? Because I certainly do, and this is one of the games I'm currently playing.
It is currently in Round 1 of Grammy® voting at the minute, and this entails that y'all spread the word about it far and wide in order for it to get a formal nomination. This is going into the newly created Video Game Music category, formally "Best Score Soundtrack for Video Games & Other Interactive Media," fought for by many people, but especially by one @winifredphilips. I'd appreciate if y'all spread the word about the Revita soundtrack, especially on Twitter!
Retweet Christoph's original tweet, share it, talk about it on Discord, heck, blast it into hyperspace! I'd appreciate if y'all did that for Christoph; I feel he's very much the underdog of the Grammy® round 1 voting and we all would like to see an underdog win.
A bunch of us in the VGM scoring community, including @ClementPanchout and myself, got session work off of this game thanks to Christoph's many ideas and plans for the sound of this game. For my part, I got session vocal and voice acting work, and it was the first gig I got as soon as I was emancipated by the Home Office.
Yes, I have a bit of an interest in this because this was work Christoph gave me out of the goodness of his heart. But, even if I were not part of this, I want to at least let y'all know what a solid, solid composer and musician he is. Do with that information what y'all will.