Composer, percussionist, artist, self-backing choir.
For inquiries, composition comms, art comms, or session work, HMU at mail@troisnyx.co.uk

Annette Walker @Troisnyx

Age 33, she/they

Choir Director

Lancashire, UK

Joined on 6/26/11

Exp Points:
6,747 / 6,940
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.68 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Captain
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
10y 10m 29d

Troisnyx's News

Posted by Troisnyx - April 3rd, 2013

I would like as many of you as possible to respond to this question in the comments. It'll be very much appreciated.

When it comes to recording live I only have a bodhran, ankle bells and a bracelet to punctuate the rhythm even further, and vocals. Please, can you name me a song that you can reasonably see done ONLY with these few things that I have?

I'll weigh all your suggestions and if I find any ideas, I'll throw mine into the pool, and pick one for my next major piece. : )

Posted by Troisnyx - March 30th, 2013

Surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia, alleluia!

Hey everyone, how have things been? It's Easter Sunday and I'm truly glad and grateful to be back. We've a lot of catching up to do, and I've got a few submissions to work on for NG. : )

I hope that in the days and weeks to come, I may share the insurmountable joy I have in my heart.


Posted by Troisnyx - March 23rd, 2013

It's Palm Sunday today, the start of Holy Week, and only one more week till Easter. You know what this means as far as my NG activity is concerned:


Step has brought the NGAP 10th Anniversary contest to my attention, and I will be taking part in this. I will be beginning work on my submission next Sunday.

As for how I am able to begin work: Christo (Merlyne) has helped me get the systems back up and running with a secondhand PC. Those of you who follow me on Facebook will know this piece of news already. But to explain further, this is what was done:

1) Take a secondhand Acer Aspire 3690 which you won from an eBay auction for an affordable amount.
2) Insert previous DDR2 RAM into the current RAM slots, bringing the RAM up from 1GB to 2.5GB.
3) Do a straight hard drive swap so that the PC now runs on Windows 7, instead of Windows Vista. All programs from the previous computer would be there too.
4) Uninstall most of the HP software, since I won't be using it.
5) Nuke FL Studio. No, I mean it. Merlyne and I nuked FL Studio just so that it would run fairly smoothly. I say fairly, because while I can run most of my projects on FL Studio, I cannot run two files very well: Terre des Hommes Libres (yes, this song is too heavy for this computer) and Version 1 of Letters from the Journey to Stonyhurst, which I'll be putting up with my unfinished works after Easter.

In other news, I'll be recording with Kingdom of Herts on Monday, and we'll be throwing a few surprises in. I really, really can't wait! :D

Well, that's it from me for now. Before I take leave, thanks so much for all your support, and for checking in on me, either on NG, Facebook, Twitter or Skype. I appreciate this very much, you have no idea how <3

Happy and blessed Palm Sunday to all who observe it, and I'll see you guys later.

Posted by Troisnyx - February 16th, 2013

My PC, the one on which I compose my music, has given up the ghost just a few days ago. I'm taking advantage of the Sunday relief to login and let all of you know about this. The BIOS wasn't loading, the screen's backlight wasn't showing up, the Caps and Scroll Lock lights were flashing intermittently, no sound was coming out. And all that, too, when you know power is actually going through the circuitry: you know it's a motherboard problem.

So essentially, until I get a new PC, I will not be able to make music. No stuff from me also means no stuff from Kingdom of Herts. (Whether or not I will be able to record vocals is yet to be seen; I'm yet to exploit Windows' in-built audio recorder and see what good might come out of it.)

Many of us are students and are surviving on the bare minimum. As am I. And I need to raise funds for another computer so that I may continue sharing these beautiful songs with all of you. Ideally, secondhand, but as powerful as (or more powerful than) the previous one.

The one thing I can do (which I have done) is put up my first single, Terre des Hommes Libres, for sale. It's a humble effort on my part, but I only hope it's something that can help offset the cost of the new computer.

The single contains three tracks, two of which have been well-loved:
Terre des Hommes Libres,
Asperges Me
and an original setting of Libera Me.

This is my hard work from the past two months (and if you want to consider prior efforts in writing the songs, let's say four years). Because my PC is dead, these are the only songs I have managed to upload before my PC gave up the ghost.

I truly hope these speak to you. If you have it in you to help me fund the new computer, I truly thank you. My target is £50 (approximately $77.61). I will do whatever I can to offset any remaining costs.

Posted by Troisnyx - February 9th, 2013

Hey everyone. As I mentioned in a previous newspost, I have resolved to stay off NG during the 40 days of Lent. As for my thoughts on the matter, here they are. I would also like to add that I have two Litigation exam papers next week, one of them falling flat on the first day of Lent (13 February. Alliteration for the win!). So I am now doing all I can with exam prep, and won't be posting any new songs over the next few days (or even the 40 days that follow).

So, I'd like to leave you with a few things before I switch off for that period. <3

First, Terre des Hommes Libres is now on YT for those of you who would prefer it uploaded on YT rather than NG. I'm aware that the video is imperfect, but nearly all these sketches (except for the album's cover art) came from the journal that I kept during my National Service stint, as well as from concepts of a fictional National Service Journal that I had planned.

Those of you who have read my newsposts previously will also know that there's an English version of Terre des Hommes Libres now, thanks to Usagiflower.

Second, after a FULL MONTH of delay, the Newgrounds London Meet 2013 videos from my side are FINALLY UP! I was hesitating to put them up because of the amount of time it would take to upload them. We're talking seven HD videos, all .MOVs, and one or two of them spanning quite a few minutes.

In other news, just quickly, I have a debut album planned, called Singing to the Heavens. The cover art is this little thing right here. The album is currently 4/10 complete, and I will be continuing work on it after Easter. Maybe some previous tracks might appear in the album in full glory? We'll wait and see! :D In the meantime, two tracks have been confirmed for the album, and they have been released here on NG previously: Terre des Hommes Libres and Asperges Me.

And that's it for now. See you all soon!
To those of us observing the season of Lent, let's make it a happy and blessed one!

P.S. Guys, please send me some good thoughts and prayers for my exams. They'll be very much appreciated! I'm doing all I can here, and it's doing my head in.

Posted by Troisnyx - February 4th, 2013

A friend of mine, Usagiflower, has made an English singable translation of my first submission of the year, Terre des Hommes Libres. And this came after I had TRIED to translate this thing to English several times since 2011 and failed!

Seriously check it out! The mixing may not be the best but I absolutely love that singing style.... and those backing vocals.

Posted by Troisnyx - February 1st, 2013


Record submissions for the day, folks! Zero flash and zero movies!
No seriously, how did it come to THIS?

There's NOTHING under judgment??

Posted by Troisnyx - January 29th, 2013

...I've resolved to take the 40-day fast from Newgrounds activity like I did last year. So I'll be inactive from midnight 13 February to midnight 31 March.

Now I imagine people would ask, why NG and not something else? For starters, a lot of my personal work is on NG, and I've been spending time -- a lot of time -- checking how well my stuff's been doing. I would like to take time off from this, get some space, learn to not worry about stats and figures, and concentrate on the main reason behind the songs I make -- I would like them to be heartfelt acts of love and praise, whatever the genre.

I also want to take this time to learn to worry less about myself and think more about looking out for others. In addition to the people who turn to me for help every now and then, I also have the CCM band, Kingdom of Herts, and we've resolved to get our debut album out by the end of the academic year. And K of H is not intended to be an "I" thing, but a "we" thing.

NG is likely not the only thing I'll be abstaining from... I need less YouTube activity as well (certainly less Chuggaaconroy, considering how seemingly addicted I've become!). But I digress......

For the next few days, you'll still see me around, no worries! But if you suddenly see TroisNyxEtienne blipping out and disappearing for a long while, well, that's what's going on. Just thought I'd let you know!

Posted by Troisnyx - January 19th, 2013

I've safely returned from the Newgrounds London Meet, and I had a great time at the Namco Station. Thanks, Luis, for organising this!

I will admit though: it took me one and a half hours to navigate to the area. Initially I had come close to the London Eye, but then I had asked for the wrong directions. Instead of Belvedere Road (where the Namco Station was close to) I had asked for Victoria Embankment, and I was directed to the Embankment station, and then I came back to Waterloo station and spent another half an hour going round the County Hall looking for the darned entrance to the arcade!

At any rate, it was a lovely afternoon/evening. It was great to see all of you who were present.

Here are the photos I have managed to take from the NG London Meet.

Videos to come at another time...

Posted by Troisnyx - January 18th, 2013

And I am taking photos/videos of the meet.

Looking forward to seeing all of you. :D