The concept is nice -- it isn't everyday that we see point-and-click telling a story in the third person. And I'm a musician, so I naturally got drawn to this game. The title screen looked really promising.
But this is where the fun ends, unfortunately.
I'm not sure if the game's entire message is meant to be macabre or otherwise, because every single character's artwork (to say nothing about Death himself) looks very zombie-like. The animation wasn't particularly great either. Much of it had single-plane movements, I am honestly beginning to wonder if you were actually even trying with that game.
The trumpet playing is "monotonous" as you said in the intro -- but so is every other instrumentalist! One single note, really? Effort could've been done with the music. Now I do know the credits tune and I loved the title theme, so there was a degree of familiarity (happy memories of playing Mad Maestro all over again), but otherwise..... couldn't you have worked with someone for the music somehow? So as to actually illustrate that this WAS INDEED a trumpeter's journey to success? There are people who are willing to help with jazz music on here that they'd be happy to give you something to make the game a lot more memorable.
The game has so few options, and it is really short. Now I will give credit where it's due: some of the options are quite clever you wouldn't expect to know where they are, but once you do, you're able to go ahead. But surely more interaction could've been made with the objects in the game?! There was one part where you only had a shooting star to interact with, it was literally THE ONLY THING! It feels like a lack of effort...
And a pet peeve of mine: cliffhangers that don't explain much. While I get the fact that the story is all about "losing one's soul vs actually finding it and getting on with pursuing the things you love," this could've been fleshed out so much more deeply. Dialogues? Explanatory text? Or even just moving, symbolic gestures? We had so few, if any! Our bandsman really is a two-dimensional character, if nothing else.
I would've certainly loved to see 1) more development, 2) a more moving storyline to build up on the one you have here, 3) better music (and not just single notes). The rest would follow suit. Point of contention from a musician's view: there is MUCH more to a bandsman's story than just that, and people need to relate. Work on this game accordingly.