Thoughtful video, and a good way to deal with panic attacks for the vast majority of us. Thank you for sharing. I am also glad that you, in your own way, testify to Our Lord's love.
The animation is good, and the sound and mixing are wonderful. Nothing to complain about here. The advice is sound, and it is most certainly the kind of advice that I and many others would appreciate -- not only do I suffer from panic attacks, but I also know of friends who suffer from panic attacks.
My main point of contention, for which I might have to dock off one star, is that some of us deal with panic attacks because of things that currently are the case (I have not got the gift of putting things in words, so I beg your pardon). For instance:
Imagine someone who is desperate, homeless and on the street. He panics because while he may be used to such a life, he is scared that he won't get any food for the afternoon, or that people would see him as a scourge on their otherwise 'perfect' population.
The 21-second rule, when applied to him, will not work, because the source of his fear is going to be there -- and in 21 seconds, his fears are going to be realised. Someone would shout at him on the street or be aggressive towards him. He would still continue to starve.
This is a hypothetical situation, but it only goes to show what panic attacks can do when one is in a desperate situation, and really needs a miracle from God directly, or through the people He sends, in order to pull him out of where he is. I am one of perhaps a fraction of people who go through similar things -- I have publicly declared on Newgrounds that I am an asylum seeker, and not only is there immense stigma from people around me, but my safety is not yet guaranteed -- and my panic attacks concentrate around these things.
The mind is hurt because there is always cause for it to be hurt.
When you're a victim of oppression and you suffer panic attacks as a result of said oppression, what is there to be done? I pray God that there may be a solution to all this. I'll be visiting a counsellor this coming Friday, AND seeking spiritual direction -- a two-pronged attack against Mr Stupid Panic Attack. Hopefully, in due time, we may be able to find a solution to the kind of panic attack which is not addressed.
While in my case, I am reminded of God's love through my fiancé, my parish priest and those closest to me, I can see that many people are kinda distant from it. Those of us who want to be His saints could use this sort of confirmation from other faithful. And those of us who don't know God or for some reason or other, are distant from him, could perhaps use this comfort to know that they are indeed loved, and the panic attack will not triumph against His love.
Overall, wonderful work -- I just hope that in an update to this, we may see what is to be done to help people who are suffering from panic attacks as a result of things that are constantly giving them hurt and insecurity. God bless you and your work.