This is a NGAUC review.
Oh gosh, I love this. Jazz, when done well, has been known to bring the best out of a composer -- chords, melodies, flourishes, rhythm. And you have NAILED ALL OF THEM! You've put a smile on my face. The foundations have been nailed out -- the drums are crisp, the bass plays quite a bit, the chords do vary (they are not as repetitive as in many submissions I've come across), the melody is singable.......
Mixing is tastefully done; the strings (?) here are a bit too wet for my taste, but everything else has its proper place.
Another slight complaint is that the loop point is a tad iffy.
If I ever have a suggestion, it'd be perhaps that you vary feel of it just a *little bit* -- hi-hats, more syncopation on the drums (e.g., kicks and snares coming in on offbeats) -- and just a little tasteful syncopation on the other instruments. While it will be in keeping with the atmosphere you have here, it is a wonderful way to tell people there's a bit of a dynamic change about the piece. Then resolve back to your main theme. It feels like A-B-A to my ears, the way the song structure goes -- what about A-B-A-C-A? Switch things up a little.
Overall well done. Props to you.