Hey everyone, Troisnyx here. My NG Lenten fast is complete, and it is Easter today.
This season brings great joy to me, and it is also a joy for me to be back. I actually logged in at midnight today, but on my phone -- and for some reason, Android doesn't support the Rich Text Editor. Oh well.
I spent Lent working on a cover of a tune from Kingdom Hearts II, writing, going out and about... I was away at Cumbria (which to us Britons is the Lake District) for the weekend of my birthday. I did log in once or twice on Skype, but then it just fell apart. The last three days before this -- Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- were overwhelmingly exhausting. This is what we know as the Triduum -- the three days leading up to Easter Sunday proper, and I sang during Masses and services for three days. A lot. My throat is sore, my chest is congested, and I am now in need of sleep.
Before I crash for the day, I'd like to share a few pictures.
Camping near Seascale, Cumbria. First time living out in a tent, with Seán no less! <3 Cooking was hard though. Everything we did was tepid, the wind was too strong, and we had trouble getting them lit.
One of my birthday presents, this one from Seán -- a glockenspiel. I've been playing quite a bit on this -- particularly Kingdom Hearts tunes, and someone thinks I'm living a rather sad life. On the plus side, for audio production, I don't have to rely on soundfonts anymore -- I have the instrument.
Those bongos are Seán's, and I had a go on them a few times. They're currently broken on one side, but we're trying to repair it -- Seán is optimistic he can repair it -- and hopefully after that, I may be able to use it for recordings as well.
By the way, you should see his workshop. Just saying.
This picture is the most recent -- this dates back to yesterday, before the Easter Vigil Mass. For the musically technical, those timps are tuned in C and G. I had three pieces to play, and let's just say, it was amazing. The first piece I did this was a setting of the Gloria (in excelsis Deo).
The drums resounded in praise, blood was rushing through my veins more than ever, my cheeks and neck were burning… and my friends sang in joyful chorus and the organ harmoniously blended in. Bells were rung, and it was an overall explosion of joy.
Side note, I can ride a bike now. Just about. I'm not roadworthy yet, but I'm slowly getting there.
Well, that's it from me for now. I'd better not procrastinate with my rest hours, now.